Monday, July 30, 2012

Controversial Popular Media: The Hunger Games

Greetings to you all! I wanted to begin this post by pointing out this is merely a list of my opinons. I do not write this to point out and judge those around me, but to relate why I believe what I believe according to these books and movies.

The Hunger Games: When these books first became popular and the movie trailers came out, I was slightly interested.  When it came out I asked my mom if I could see it, to which she responded with "Absolutely NOT!" Of course I was quite hurt and wanted to know why. She began to relay to me what THG was really about, in turn I was quite horrified. *Now please understand I have a very basic, somewhat limited knowledge about THG. I have not read the books nor seen the movie.  I do not desire to. I am relying on what my mentors have advised me with and the general knowledge open to the public. If I make a crucial mistake please correct me in the comments below.*

In a nutshell, children/teens are selected every year from their district to compete in 'The Hunger Games'. They are literally forced to kill each other to survive. Let me write that again. KILL EACH OTHER. First off, why would you write a trilogy about teens killing each other? Secondly and more importantly, why would you willingly indulge your mind in such...disgusting activity?

What we are doing when we buy this movie or this book, is promoting and helping the company and the authors produce more rotten literature. We are saying that we like reading such revolting violence, for fun! Even if there is no redeeming value whatsoever, it's okay, because its just fiction. Just fantasy. Just for fun. Even worse, people who claim to be Christians are endorsing this. They think it's good, okay, just entertainment. But I tell you my friends, it is oh so much more than this.

The Bible talks about what happens to us and our walk with Christ as we indulge in things that are not godly. As we do more and more of something, we begin to depend on it and sometimes become addicted to it. We become apathetic to violence, godlessness, sexuality, profanity, etc. It doesn't effect us anymore. It becomes okay. THIS IS NOT OKAY. We become used to this sin, and therefore justify it and end up not repenting for we believe we have done nothing wrong. But this kind of behavior leads us astray, and we end up pulling away from God and toward Satan.

As Christians, we are becoming hypocrites! We are telling people that it is okay to disobey the 10 commandments! Deuteronomy 5:17 says quite plainly: Do not murder. Yet here we are encouraging and applauding it! What's up with that? Not only that, we are giving ourselves a license to sin, saying that we can read/watch/listen to whatever we want, and God will forgive us later. The same things we look down on non-believers for doing, we do ourselves.

Some people may make the point that if you are old enough and mature in your faith enough to discern it's wrong, then it's okay to watch. Um, excuse my thinking-out-loud, but if cold blood killing is 'okay'; when is enough enough?!? When is the line drawn? Once again, we become numb to things we are exposed to on a regular basis.

I want to close with Philippians 4:8, which our family uses frequently when deciding what media we will watch/read etc. "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, just, if it is admirable or praiseworthy, think on these things. We often contrast the pro's with the con's of a certain movie or show. If the pro's far outweigh the cons, then it is usually something we watch on Clearplay. If not, then we abstain.

I encourage you to think carefully about what literature and media you decide to feed your mind with. It can be hard not to indulge in the latest media, and I have indeed slipped up and done this myself. But don't give up! Strive to honor God with everything you do, and you will be rewarded!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Our (His) Artistic Talent

This is a poem John wrote for school that he read at family night that people actually wanted copies of! I am quite the proud sister! (Mine was about a zebra who escaped the zoo. Not quite the masterpiece but hey... Moe McGee was my masterpiece:) ~ Clara

       The Ode of the "B"

I think that I shall never see,
a letter as proud as the letter B,
B wanted to be first,
but A was filled with a prideful thirst.
The first in line of 20 others, 
B is the best of all the brothers.
B is the founder of an exclusive club, 
The ee’s are comprised of B,G,P,V, and Z,
Though he never has a sub, 
he lives a life of ease.
B has given us good things too,
from burgers to bacon and biscuits to, 
he make’s vegans regretfully say “Boo Hoo!”
From Benny to Bristol he makes babies too,
the Bible the Beatles and bagels till noon.
Bad has come from B, 
like beer and Beiber, 
Boils and the Bermuda triangle.
So, whether it is to B or not to B, 
B all you can B,
For it is better to B,
than X, Y or Z. 

About Us

Towards the end of the twentieth century a pair of twins were born. Home-schooled since forever, they have a fire in their hearts that is unquenchable. They are... The COSTELLOS.

Clara: That was kinda dramatic.

John: Well, it makes us sound fun!

Clara: But we ARE fun!

John: Well, now we sound like it too.

*awkward silence as she rolls her eyes*

Clara:  Anywho...  the point of this post is to tell you a little about ourselves and what we enjoy. Well, I love just a little bit of everything! I love fashion, books, writing, blogs, musicals, violin, TeenPact, TP Nation, Jesus and my awesome friends who put up with (crazy) me.

John: ( I thought I would make the point that although we are twins, I am older by... *drumroll please*... 10 minutes. Yes, huge difference, right?) Moving on, I enjoy several of the same things as my sister, such as accordions, reading, Passion CDs, weapon making, Christianity, apologetics, debates, biblical apocalyptic prophecies and so on!

Well, that's pretty much us in a nutshell... we've been together since birth (obviously).  We started this blog to write reviews of media in a conservative christian manner. We are bible believing Christians and base our opinions on the Bible, with the help and advice from our parents and mentors. Some popular media we choose not to indulge in, and when we post about them we will explain why. It's okay to have different opinions, but this is merely what we choose to believe, based on the Bible. Thanks for reading!

~Clara and John